LIVE Symposium

Thursday, October 31, 2024
11:00 AM-2:00 PM ET

3D cell culture provides researchers with an unprecedented view of human tissue and organ development, reliably mimicking the intricacy and functionality at cellular and tissue levels. To better understand development, disease, and therapeutic responses, researchers interrogate cellular interactions and molecular activity in organoids.

In this sympsoium brought to you by The Scientist, Mattia Gerli, Angels Almenar, In-Hyun Park, and Andris Abramenkovs will explore the vast potential of organoid research for understanding development, disease, and treatment response.

Symposium program

11:00 AM – Introduction

11:10 AM- TBD

Mattia Gerli, PhD

11:45 AM – TBD

Angels Almenar-Queralt, PhD 

12:20 PM – TBD

In-Hyun Park, PhD 

12:55 PM – Maximizing the Potential of 3D Organoid Research with Automated Isolation

Andris Abramenkovs, PhD

1:20 PM - Open panel Q&A session
Nathan Ni from The Scientist's Creative Services Team will be joined by the entire panel in an open question and answer session where presenters will address questions posed by the audience.


Mattia Gerli, PhD
Lecturer, Stem Cell Science and Biomaterials
Division of Surgery and Interventional Sciences 
University College London Royal Free Hospital


Angels Almenar-Queralt, PhD 
Assistant Professor
Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine
University of California, San Diego

<strong >In-Hyun Park</strong><strong>, PhD</strong> 

In-Hyun Park, PhD 
Associate Professor
Department of Genetics
Yale University


Andris Abramenkovs, PhD
Product Manager

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