October 2023 crossword
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Stella Zawistowski

1. Group that includes earthworms and leeches
6. Foam on breaking waves
8. Evidence of past healing
9. Pure, as ethanol
10. Rubber produced by polymerization
12. Velocity, for one
13. Exhibit plasticity
16. Planet whose moons include Titan and Tethys
17. Brightest star in the constellation Lyra
18. Carnivorous mammal of the ocean
21. Fruits related to peaches and cherries
22. Amniotic membrane portion
23. Render unconscious
24. Quality of microswimmers


2. Organism's role within its ecosystem
3. Eustachian tube's location
4. Retinal projection
5. Nervous, immune, reproductive, and others
6. Abnormally hardened, as tissue
7. ___ cuff (shoulder muscle group)
11. Foot movement pattern in running or walking
14. Light-sensitive feature on a starfish
15. Tiny unit of electrical resistance
19. Fixture to which a DVD player might be connected
20. ___ stem cells
22. Unit of food energy, for short