Researchers need to know how biomolecules interact with one another, both for studying biological mechanisms and developing new therapeutic agents. One way to do this is to attach labels onto biomolecules and visualize them during biomolecular interactions. However, because the labels are often physically adhering to the biomolecules, this can affect interactions in an unintended manner. Label-free biomolecular interaction analysis is a powerful alternative, especially for understanding molecular interactions between antibodies and their targets in real-time. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and Bio-layer interferometry (BLI) are two of the most widely used label-free techniques, and researchers use them to study protein-protein interactions, protein-small molecule interactions, and nucleic acid-protein interactions.

Download this ebook from Sartorius to learn more about

  • Label-free techniques used to assess biologics
  • Optimizing kinetics assays to avoid avidity effects
  • How researchers employed label-free techniques during the covid pandemic

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