Time flies! It seems like yesterday that I wrote my first editorial for the launch of the TS digest last year, describing it as the literary equivalent of a fine dining tasting menu. Our goal behind curating this interactive, bite-sized digital magazine was to provide you, our readers, with refreshing content—short articles, brief podcast episodes, videos, infographics—for when you need a quick science break from your busy day.

It has been overwhelmingly exciting to see our readers warmly welcome the TS Digest into their devices with an insatiable appetite for short-form articles. Along the way, we introduced new columns: Epic Fail, where researchers share their lab disaster stories; Just Curious, where we find an expert to answer a common biology question; and Science Snapshot, where we cover the story behind a scientific image. While you enjoyed our stories on diverse topics, from endogenous psychedelics to designer peptoids that pop viral membranes, you especially loved these novel content formats.

My favorite aspect of the TS Digest is that it offers us an opportunity to interact with our readers. Every month, with the launch of a new issue, I excitedly await reader feedback; a special thanks to the hundreds of readers who shared their thoughts on editorials, submitted their embarrassing Epic Fail stories, or asked poignant Just Curious column questions in the past year. Being in lock step with our readers has allowed us to keep the TS Digest alive, customizing every issue to satisfy your cravings. 

As we celebrate one year of TS Digest, I once again look to you all to guide us on how to best serve you. Are there certain topics you would like to see more of? Do you have ideas about new content types that we should cover? Would you enjoy more than one TS Digest issue per month? We look forward to your input to keep the TS Digest community going strong.

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