A digital graphic rendering of multiple DNA double helices on a white background.
Targeted Gene Integration for High-Throughput Applications
A new approach using two types of recombinases lets scientists insert larger DNA payloads into human pluripotent stem cells faster than ever before. 
Targeted Gene Integration for High-Throughput Applications
Targeted Gene Integration for High-Throughput Applications

A new approach using two types of recombinases lets scientists insert larger DNA payloads into human pluripotent stem cells faster than ever before. 

A new approach using two types of recombinases lets scientists insert larger DNA payloads into human pluripotent stem cells faster than ever before. 

stem cell

Stem cells are compressed into a ball (green) by a C-shaped biobot (red).
From Code to Creature
Laura Tran, PhD | Jun 14, 2024 | 10+ min read
A happenstance collaboration between biologists and roboticists led to the birth of a strange creation: living machines derived from frog stem cells.
Image of pancreatic organoids under a microscope with immunofluorescent staining
Pancreatic Organoids Take the Stage
Laura Tran, PhD | Dec 1, 2023 | 2 min read
Meritxell Huch tackled her pipedream of growing three-dimensional pancreatic tissue in a dish.
Illuminating Organs with Organoids
Illuminating Organs with Organoids
The Scientist | 1 min read
In this webinar, Benjamin Freedman talks about the importance of organoids in modeling organ function and disease.
Conceptual image of scientific advancement depicting a large spherical object and wire frame image of a running human.
Organoids: The New Frontier
The Scientist | Nov 22, 2023 | 1 min read
Explore the latest in organoid production for studying development, disease, and drug screening.
Death by Stem Cell: Developing New Cancer Therapies
Charlene Lancaster, PhD | Jul 24, 2023 | 3 min read
Khalid Shah engineers stem cells to deliver cancer therapeutics directly to tumors, thereby increasing their efficacy.
Spatial Multiomics Reveal Microbiome-Linked T Cell Modulations in Human Graft-Versus-Host Disease
Spatial Multiomics Reveal Microbiome-Linked T Cell Modulations in Human Graft-Versus-Host Disease
The Scientist | 1 min read
In this webinar, Benton Berigan will highlight the value of combining multimodal data, including spatial information, to understand complex immunological processes.
Side and front view of a male human skull
Mechanical Force on the Skull May Aid Bone Regeneration
Alejandra Manjarrez, PhD | May 1, 2023 | 3 min read
By mechanically inducing the expansion of cranial sutures in young adult mice, researchers stimulated stem cell proliferation that is key to healing bone injuries.
Learn How Researchers are Building Brains
Major Advances in Mini Brain Bioengineering
The Scientist | Mar 31, 2023 | 1 min read
Explore the latest developments in brain organoid production.
Sino Biological 
Introducing GMP-Grade Recombinant Cytokines for Stem Cell Research
The Scientist and Sino Biological | 3 min read
Cutting edge technology delivers cytokines with high purity, high bioactivity, high batch-to-batch consistency, and high stability.
three black mice lined up next to each other. the one on the left, fed a low-fat diet, has one small bald patch, the middle mouse, fed fish oil, has a large bald spot across its shoulders and back, and the right mouse, fed cocoa butter, has no baldness.
Fish Oil in Diet Can Cause Hair Loss in Mice, Study Finds
Katherine Irving | Jan 19, 2023 | 3 min read
The oil’s omega-3 fatty acids accumulate in the mice’s skin, triggering an immune response that causes hair loss.
Artist’s rendition of two X chromosomes in blue, with a glowing orange line swirling around one.
Male and Female Stem Cells Derived from One Donor in Scientific First
Dan Robitzski | Dec 22, 2022 | 3 min read
Studying otherwise identical XY, XX, X0, and XXY pluripotent stem cells will allow researchers to investigate sex-based differences in greater depth.
A microscopy image of an apical-out colon organoid that was produced using MilliporeSigma’s protocol.
Turning Organoids Inside Out 
The Scientist, MilliporeSigma, and Hub Organoids | 4 min read
Discover how a new procedure reverses the polarity of typical basolateral-out organoids to form versatile apical-out organoids.
Cross section of an organic cell with intracellular organelles
How Intracellular Bacteria Hijack Your Cells
Catherine Offord | Dec 1, 2022 | 10+ min read
Scientists studying pathogens such as Chlamydia, Legionella, and Listeria get a master class in how to control the internal workings of mammalian cells.
Illustration showing how some intracellular bacteria, such as <em >Legionella pneumophila</em>, manipulate the cell&#39;s membranes for their own good
Infographic: Intracellular Bacteria’s Tricks for Host Manipulation 
Catherine Offord | Dec 1, 2022 | 2 min read
Various microbes, including several human pathogens, hijack the cell’s skeleton, membranes, and protein-making machinery to make themselves at home.
A 96-well plate with wells spelling out &ldquo;ANIMAL COMPONENT FREE&rdquo;. &nbsp;
Animal Component-Free Reagents Unleash Cell Culture’s True Potential 
The Scientist and MilliporeSigma | 3 min read
The latest synthetic and chemical reagents offer researchers more flexibility, stability, and consistency when working with their cells.
Micrograph of kidney tissue from a mouse
Vesicles from Young Mice Alleviate Signs of Aging in Older Animals
Catherine Offord | Oct 19, 2022 | 4 min read
Mice that received the stem cell–derived treatment were less frail compared with controls, a study reports.
Found hunting at night, the Hawaiian Bobtail squid, Euprymna scolopes displays amazing colors through its light emitting organs. They are common in sand flats around the Hawaiian islands.
Ten Minute Sabbatical
Emily Cox and Henry Rathvon | Oct 3, 2022 | 2 min read
Take a break from the bench to puzzle and peruse
A Novel Stem-Cell Derived In Vitro Model of Intestinal Inflammation
A Novel Stem-Cell Derived In Vitro Model of Intestinal Inflammation
The Scientist | 1 min read
In this webinar, Bryan McQueen will discuss how a novel in vitro model of inflammatory bowel disease paves the way toward scientific discovery and developing cost-effective therapies.
Susan Solomon looking into the camera
Lawyer Turned Stem Cell Advocate Susan Solomon Dies at 71
Lisa Winter | Sep 27, 2022 | 2 min read
Her passion came from her son’s struggle with type 1 diabetes and the inability to find new treatments.