Dead bee surrounded by yellow flower petals
Science Snapshot: One Insect’s Corpse Is Another’s Breakfast
Though it’s poetic to say that ants were grieving the bee at a funeral, the reality is a bit more prosaic.
Science Snapshot: One Insect’s Corpse Is Another’s Breakfast
Science Snapshot: One Insect’s Corpse Is Another’s Breakfast

Though it’s poetic to say that ants were grieving the bee at a funeral, the reality is a bit more prosaic.

Though it’s poetic to say that ants were grieving the bee at a funeral, the reality is a bit more prosaic.


four polar bears on floating sea ice
It’s a Bear-Eat-Bear World: Understanding Cannibalism in the Largest Land Carnivores
Raegan Scharfetter | Jul 20, 2022 | 3 min read
A new review seeks to understand why the animals sometimes devour members of their own species.
Dino Cannibalism?
Jenny Rood | Apr 10, 2015 | 1 min read
Tooth marks on a dinosaur skull provide evidence of intraspecific fights and postmortem scavenging, according to a study.
Illegal Animal Meds Persist in India
Kerry Grens | Oct 13, 2014 | 3 min read
Use of a veterinary painkiller, banned in several countries because of its lethal effects on scavenging birds, has declined, but cow carcasses still test positive.
Bird Bullies
Jef Akst | Jun 1, 2013 | 2 min read
Regular supplies of food for scavenger birds in Spain may not be the most effective conservation strategy, as smaller birds are bullied away.
Life (Re)Cycle
Bernd Heinrich | Aug 1, 2012 | 3 min read
Death breeds life in the world’s most diverse and abundant group of animals.