A California Chinook Salmon Jumps into a waterfall during spawning season
Geneticists Light Up Debate on Salmon Conservation
Splitting Chinook salmon into two groups based on their DNA could aid conservation efforts. But some researchers argue that this would be a misuse of the data.
Geneticists Light Up Debate on Salmon Conservation
Geneticists Light Up Debate on Salmon Conservation

Splitting Chinook salmon into two groups based on their DNA could aid conservation efforts. But some researchers argue that this would be a misuse of the data.

Splitting Chinook salmon into two groups based on their DNA could aid conservation efforts. But some researchers argue that this would be a misuse of the data.


Infographic comparing the fall and spring salmon runs
Infographic: An Incredible Journey
Christie Wilcox, PhD | Feb 1, 2023 | 1 min read
Chinook make their way up the Klamath River every year, but fewer and fewer arrive in the spring.
Timeline summarizing a series of petitions filed about the Chinook salmon
Timeline: An Extended Battle
Christie Wilcox, PhD | Feb 1, 2023 | 3 min read
Various concerned groups have been petitioning NOAA Fisheries to list spring-run Chinook salmon in Oregon and Northern California for over a decade.
close-up of a salmon's head swimming among underwater plants
Sudden Decline in Salmon Growth May Signal Ecological Shift
Natalia Mesa, PhD | Mar 4, 2022 | 5 min read
The decrease in growth appears to be associated with increasing water temperatures, affecting animals throughout the marine food web.
juvenile salmon with parasitic infection
A “Climate Catastrophe”: Western US Salmon on the Brink
Lisa Winter | Jul 27, 2021 | 2 min read
A recent sampling from two California streams found nearly all juvenile salmon were infected with deadly parasites, and conditions are expected to worsen.
Two researchers take samples from salmon using dissecting tools and small sample collection tubes.
Farmed Atlantic Salmon Likely Passed Virus to Wild Pacific Salmon
Abby Olena, PhD | May 27, 2021 | 4 min read
New genomic analyses reveal that piscine orthoreovirus first came to the Pacific in 1989, around the same time that salmon farms in the area started importing Atlantic salmon eggs from Europe.
Opinion: Western Canada Must Stop Clearcutting Its “Mother” Trees
Suzanne Simard and Teresa Ryan | May 1, 2021 | 4 min read
Feeding the world’s insatiable appetite for wood products is sacrificing the future of a crucial ecosystem.
What’s Killing Killer Whales? Autopsies Reveal a Role for Humans
Ashley Yeager | Dec 16, 2020 | 4 min read
Stephen Raverty of the Ministry of Agriculture in Canada and Joseph Gaydos of UC Davis speak with The Scientist about their recent study assessing the causes of orca deaths.
Q&A: Tire Rubber Preservative Harms Coho Salmon, Study Suggests
Max Kozlov | Dec 7, 2020 | 5 min read
6PPD, a tire preservative, reacts with ozone to produce a compound that the researchers say may be responsible for large die-off events.
FDA Lifts Import Restrictions on Genetically Engineered Salmon
Catherine Offord | Mar 11, 2019 | 2 min read
The fast-growing fish can now be raised and sold in the US, although it’s likely to be some time before the product hits the market.
Study Finds Epigenetic Differences Between Hatchery-Raised and Wild-Born Salmon
Shawna Williams | Mar 1, 2018 | 4 min read
The variation may help explain why stocked salmon don’t fare as well in the ocean.
NOAA: Common Pesticides Threaten Endangered Salmon, Other Marine Life
Shawna Williams | Jan 15, 2018 | 1 min read
Organophosphates jeopardize dozens of species, a federal review finds.
More Than 300,000 Atlantic Salmon Spill into Pacific
Jef Akst | Aug 22, 2017 | 2 min read
A fish farm blamed the “exceptionally high tides” resulting from yesterday’s solar eclipse for net failure. Authorities have authorized limitless takes of the invaders.
Does Farming Drive Fish Disease?
Claire Asher | Apr 19, 2017 | 4 min read
Intensive aquaculture favors increasingly virulent forms of certain fish-infecting parasites and pathogens, studies show.
GM Salmon Approved in Canada
Tracy Vence | May 23, 2016 | 1 min read
Federal regulators OK the genetically modified fish for sale as food.
Genome Digest
Catherine Offord | May 17, 2016 | 6 min read
What researchers are learning as they sequence, map, and decode species’ genomes
FDA OKs GM Salmon
Tracy Vence | Nov 19, 2015 | 1 min read
AquaBounty Technologies’s fast-growing fish is the first genetically modified animal approved by the US Food and Drug Administration.
Opinion: GM Salmon: Just the Beginning
Darek Moreau | May 31, 2014 | 4 min read
Sound risk management concerning genetically engineered food animals is critical. 
Opinion: Sizing Up GM Salmon
Tillmann Benfey | May 31, 2014 | 4 min read
On the potential benefits and risks of genetically modified fish entering the marketplace 
Rock Snot Explained
Bob Grant | May 8, 2014 | 2 min read
An increasingly common algal growth, found in rivers the world over, is caused by changing environmental conditions, not accidental introductions.