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Brittany McWilliams

Brittany McWilliams is a freelance writer and science historian. She holds a master’s in history from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. While pursuing her degree, she found a passion for unraveling the complex narrative that is the history of medicine. She plans to pursue a PhD in the history of science and medicine, but for now she spends her time writing at her home in Boston. Her work has also appeared in Lady Science, Contingent Magazine, and CommonWealth Magazine.

Articles by Brittany McWilliams
X-ray crystallography of penicillin
Crystal-Clear Penicillin, 1945
Brittany McWilliams | Apr 3, 2023 | 4 min read
Political activist and Nobel winner Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin pioneered X-ray crystallography to discover the molecular structures of penicillin and insulin.