Does your brain turn to refried beans when trying to make sense of Western blot publication guidelines? Rest easy, pioneer, for there’s gold in them thar guidelines, and this quiz will help steer you to complete comprehension.
Genome editing has made it fast and easy to move genes around. With the ability to alter any DNA sequence, the possibilities are endless! Put your DNA fold-and-cut strategy to the test with our LabQuiz. Do you have what it takes to advance your DNA origami expertise to the glistening future of DNA kirigami?
Cell culture smarts are critical to the reproducibility of your research. Are you an inCelligent expert or just an amateur inCellectual? Take the quiz to get your rank!
Do you know your mistletoe from your poinsettia or do you need to go back to Rudolph’s school of winter science? Go grab a hot drink and a mince pie and find out whether you’re more of a nerdy nutcracker or a sugarplum fairy when it comes to wintertime science facts.
When you think about Western blots, a few letters that might come to mind are WB, PVDF, and SDS, but one letter that is critical to interpreting your Westerns is V... for Variability. Learn the truth about controlling for variability in our LabQuiz.
Do you know when to swipe left or swipe right on your mice? Find out how much you really know about genotyping mice as a key component of managing mouse colonies efficiently.